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Adam Dan Asap - Mok Jee Jin

Focus: Communication, Education, Social awareness

This EPUB is a story about the negative implications second hand smoke has on the human body.

It's mainly targeted at children from age 9 to 10 and it's aimed to create awareness of the hazards of second hand smoke.

This digital book made use of the slider functions provided by AZARDI Widgets to tell the story of Adam, the main victim of the story.

It features a short story and some facts related to second hand smoke.

Contents provided by the Pharmacy Students of USM, University of Science, Malaysia.

Design and technicalities by J.J. Mok

Supervision by Informatics for Community Health.

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I Love To Doodle - Catto Creations

Focus: Family, literacy and Enrichment, SVG

One of life's most popular pastimes, doodling, is presented for those who like art, math, and/or computers. This short book shows the artistry in math and the math in artistry.

See how a teenager and her grandfather have different approaches for their doodles. This deceptively simple book provides a step by step guide to one teenager's favorite doodles, free-hand or using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

Unlike other doodle books, this book not only shows how to draw the doodle, but also shows how to create it using vector graphics without costly software.

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Illusions of Reality - Karen M. Strom

Focus: Photographer, Portfolio and Family

These portfolios  showcase my images as a fine art photographer. The free portfolio, Illusions of Reality, contains 12 images  plus 3 short videos showing the conception of the images. on the pages with images, a magnified view of a section of the image can be seen by double tapping on the spot you wish to examine.

Designed for iBooks, also works on Readium. Contains M4V video.

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Sticks and Stones, an animated alphabet ebook  - Karen M. Strom

Focus: Young Childrens (special), Any range of ages, and Family

The book is aimed at a wide audience, from young children who just like the animation, to older student who want to learn about binary to character conversion, to those interested in border issues who will read the commentary with each image. There is animation and sound, including "easter eggs" remaining to be found.

Designed for iBooks, also works on Readium. Contains M4A audio.

Get "Sticks and Stones"  Use the side navigation to go to the Purchase page.

Bella The Dragon  - Catto Creations

Focus: Family, literacy and Enrichment, SVG

Bella the Dragon is a classic children's picture book about the magic of friendship, the sadness of separation, and the joy of reunion. Bella is a special dragon with scales made of sparkling jewels.

Author, Barbara Nick, captures the mood and magic of childhood stories in this charming first story of Bella the Dragon. Illustrator, Elaine Steckler, brings life to words with her exquisite illustrations.

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The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Smuuks

Focus: Audio Book

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a short story written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. It appeared for the first time in Colliers Magazine in 1922, and later in the anthology Tales of the Jazz Age.

Smuuks is proud to release it as a free Audio-eBook in (open, DRM-free) EPUB 3 format, so that anyone could read, listen, or read+listen it.

The text of this Audio-eBook is a revised version of the text available from Project Gutenberg, which is in the public domain.

The audio tracks were extracted from the reading by Mike Vendetti for the LibriVox Project, which is in the public domain. This Audio-eBook contains 13 audio tracks in MP3 and OGG formats, 128 Kbps, 44 KHz, Mono, a playlist in M3U format and the full text in EPUB 3 format. The total length is 1h 01'. (If you want to extract the audio tracks, unzip this EPUB file and look inside the OEBPS/Audio/ directory.)

The cover image is an elaboration of the original book cover, created from a digital scan downloaded from Group American Literature.The Audio-eBook can be downloaded for free in EPUB 3 format (85 MB).

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